Sunday, 21 February 2016

I think someone telling you that they want to be you, is far greater a compliment than someone wanting to be with you. why? it's simple. Someone who wants to be with you, appreciates who you are as a person, or perhaps find you attractive for whatever reasons or finds your personality pleasing etc. Most of the people that you'll meet at my age especially, would be those who'd like you for very obvious superficial reasons and those don't last, and hence those bonds eventually tire too, and never make it in the long run.
So when someone tells me they want to be with me, I feel like, well, great! I know I'm good to be around and I also possibly know what it is about me that you compels you to pursue me, so there's no mystery in that. It's a compliment nevertheless; who doesn't like being reminded of their awesomeness even if they're acutely aware of it anyway?
But, someone telling me they want to be like me, it.. inspires confidence. Like you know,okay whatever it is that I'm doing, there's something about it that fascinates another soul enough to want to take on life the way I do. Also, considering I'm not particularly lucky, or unbelievably well endowed in any department that someone would want to steal my life, someone telling me they want to be like me feels like a compliment to the strength of my character. And I find that wonderful because it's not something I was born with, it's something I've cultivated and demonstrated time and again, and a lot of work and emotional repair went behind that.
Almost like someone appreciating how remarkable or hardworking you are behind the scenes instead of just judging you by how the play turned out. Someone complimenting your soul, will always be far more gratifying than someone complimenting your physical appearance, because I spend a maximum of an hour a day grooming myself to look better, but I've spent years trying to build who I am and often that effort becomes invisible.

All you people, who've ever given someone a genuine compliment, about who they are, and not just the way they look, really, THANK YOU for existing. 

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